Optical Illusions That Can Reveal People's True Character

You think you know yourself, right? Well, these optical illusions are said to reveal hidden parts of your character — ones you’ve never even contemplated before. Here’s how it works: take a look at the following images and note the very first thing you see. What appears might tell you a lot about yourself that you didn't know before!

A nature scene

If you see a landscape, good for you! That means you have plenty of get-up-and-go. You live life in the moment and are up for new adventures. And routine is probably a total bummer. Instead, you like to mix up your activities so that you never do the same thing two days in a row. But some people see something else entirely...

There’s also a face hidden in this image. Can you see it? It’s looking toward the bottom of the frame. If that’s the most obvious thing about the illustration to you, then you like to be organized. Yes, you’re a stickler for planning, and knowing exactly what you’ll be doing tomorrow and beyond gives you a sense of security.

A squirrel

This illusion identifies which part of your brain is dominant. If the animal you see in the illustration is a squirrel, then it’s said that you’re a logical thinker and great at analyzing things. That’s a sign of the left hemisphere of your brain being the one that does a lot of the conscious work.

Conversely, if a duck pops out at you, then the right hemisphere of your brain is the one with the greatest influence. Your talents revolve around being creative and artistic rather than methodical and scientific. And don’t worry, as this doesn’t actually mean that one side of your brain is disconnected from the other.

A baby

Stare at this multi-faceted illusion for long enough, and it should reveal three distinct images. There’s a baby here, for instance, and seeing this vision first suggests you frequently love to carve out alone time – so don’t let people make you feel bad for not wanting to paint the town red.

There’s also a pair of lovers looking out over a bay beneath some trees. If you were immediately drawn to them, you’re more inclined to be loyal to a small group of friends and shy away from the commotion of crowds and big parties. But if the trees were the most prominent thing to you, then maybe you’re full of energy. You take life’s challenges in your stride, too, and live for variety.

The curled-up cat

What stood out to you first in this image? If all that you saw was the cliff, you probably have a positive outlook and so can tackle pretty much anything life throws at you. But maybe you saw the white cat curled up on the clifftop? That suggests you’re someone who dislikes change and prefers to keep their emotions in check. People can rely on any promises you make, though.

But if the first thing that jumped out at you was a face, then that’s a sign of creativity. You see opportunity all around you and are highly inquisitive. Learning more about the world is key for you, as is finding contentment. Maybe you’re also naturally intuitive with a fondness for literature, poetry, music and art.