40 Psychological Tricks That Are Bound To Improve People's Lives

Social interactions are an essential part of our lives. Indeed, your ability to prosper in social situations can be absolutely crucial to success. However, you won’t find these skills being taught in any schools. We might have the solution for you, though. To put you on the fast track to becoming the master of any social situation, here are 20 psychological life hacks that you can use today.

1. The eye color secret

Do you have trouble making eye contact when nervous? Here's a handy way to confidently meet someone's gaze, no matter how intimidating they might be. Just make a mental note about what color their eyes are. Honing on in that detail will make you appear poised and self-assured, even while under pressure.

2. Repeat a person’s name

This one is a common sales technique that applies to everyday social conversation. To remember someone’s name, and to show that you’ve taken it onboard, repeat it as they say it, use it a few more times during the conversation and then say it a few more times in your head afterward. However, try not to overdo it, as doing so can give the impression that you’re being manipulative.

3. Is someone watching you?

Everyone knows that yawning can be contagious. So, if you’re worried that you’re being watched, muster the biggest yawn you can. Then keep an eye on the suspect – if they follow suit, you’ll know your paranoia is warranted. Alternatively, you can try coughing or tapping your feet, as the person looking at you may end up subconsciously doing the same.

4. Three simple signals

Psychologists have observed three important signals that we make to show someone else that we’re non-threatening. Perhaps don’t even notice that we’re doing them. Even so, they’re instrumental in telling others that we are friends, and not foes. Psychologist Jack Schafer said, “Our brains are always surveying the environment for friend or foe signals. The three major things we do when we approach somebody that signals we’re not going to present a threat are: an eyebrow flash — a quick up and down movement of the eyebrow that lasts about a sixth of a second — a slight head tilt, and a smile.”