33 Simple Home Improvement Ideas That Will Make Houseguests Instantly Jealous

The best thing about having your own place is that you can customize it any way you like. The problem with home renovations, however, is that you usually never know where to start. In many cases, you end up spending way too much time and even more money. Thankfully, there is a solution. The key is to simply get creative! Check out what these folks did to totally transform their homes on a budget.

1. Sun Tunnels

A sun tunnel not only brings in sunlight, but it can also help you save money on electric bills. You do not need to spend a fortune getting massive built-in skylights added to your home. A sun tunnel does exactly the same job, saves energy, and isn't quite as much of an undertaking.

2. Dutch Doors

You don't need baby gates — just install dutch doors. These doors are easy to make, cheap to produce, and they look so much better than all that ugly plastic. Plus, no need to worry about getting rid of them when the kids grow up! These also work well for pets.

3. Sliding Drying Racks

This genius invention can help you conserve space. Living in a super small place doesn't mean you have to compromise when it comes to your kitchen. All you need to do is think a little bit differently! These drying racks are a great example of just that.

4. Shelves In Hallways

Adding shelves to long hallways gives you ample storage. Plus, it's a great looking design! Rather than dent and ding your walls by hanging up pictures, you can line the walls with a beautiful array of meaningful books and art that everyone in your house can enjoy.