Cloves Have Unique Health Properties That Most People Aren't Aware Of

Cloves rank among the most widely used spices on the planet. They’re indigenous to Indonesia and are formed from clove trees’ buds. The clove spice is produced when these buds are dried before they blossom. Moreover, as well as its sweet tones, it can also provide many health benefits.

1. General pain and inflammation relief

The element contained in cloves that gives them anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects is eugenol. Furthermore, eugenol impedes enzymes and blocks the causes of swelling that might occur through injury or illness. This aromatic spice, then, is not only a versatile ingredient for drinks and cooking but is also widely used in herbal medicine.

A versatile spice

Due to the spice’s versatility, it’s easy to incorporate it into your diet. For instance, you can make hot teas infused with cloves, as well as cocktails and other alcoholic drinks. They also have a pleasant aroma and are good for flavoring meat in roasts or curries, as well as smoothies, cookies, and cakes.

2. Aids digestion

The role of digestion is to process all of the food you eat. In doing so, your body will have what it needs to keep functioning the way it should. And while exercise and a good diet can aid digestion, cloves can also play a role in promoting gut health.

High fiber, too!

Cloves may encourage the release of enzymes in our digestive tracts. These are a naturally forming matter that’s essential to processing food. As a result, cloves help to combat issues such as indigestion, stomach cramps and bloating. BrightSide recommends taking cloves either honey-roasted or in powdered form. The cloves’ high fiber content can also prevent constipation.