Our Body May Be Sending Us A Message If We Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night

After you wearily open your eyes, you look at your bedside clock and see it’s 4:00 a.m. Great! A few more hours of sleep to go. But you’re still annoyed – not to mention a little spooked. You’ve woken up at the same time every night this week, and you have no idea what this means. Well, ancient medicinal practices have lent some interesting insights into this mysterious phenomenon. We now know, down to the hour, what your body is desperately trying to tell you.

Outside factors

We actually have Chinese medicine to thank for demystifying these frustrating sleep patterns. Even if you don't normally subscribe to Eastern medicine, you probably relate to it more than you think. It’s a very spiritual system that claims, among other things, that your health is tied to outside factors. As the seasons change, for instance, your body reacts accordingly.

Achieving balance

And you might know more than you think about Chinese medicine, too, as it’s closely linked to feng shui. If you do, you know this centuries-old practice is ultimately about achieving “balance” with everything around you. It also reckons that certain periods of the day relate to different areas of the body. So, what does your wake-up time say about you?

Body clock

Well, there’s what’s called the Chinese feng shui body clock. And it involves an all-encompassing energy named “qi.” Apparently, this qi can be found in the world itself as well as in our bodies and minds. Qi is even said to transfer to different organs in the body every 120 minutes. So, if you find yourself stirring at the same moment every night, it could well be an internal sign. Yes, with potential ramifications for your health!

Thyroid trouble

To begin with, let’s focus on the period between 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Many folks settle down for the night then, ready to get a good night’s sleep. But if that’s you, and you struggle to rest once your head hits the pillow, your thyroid gland could be to blame.